The Web Designer, The Video Geek & The Starman
Sublime Creative Collaboration
There are some people that you meet in life that change your outlook on what you do entirely – keep them close and take stock in their input. For me, my mind was blown the day I became a friend and collaborator with Chaun Osburn.
Chaun is my closest designer/collaborator I’ve ever worked with, and I cannot recommend him enough for creating beautiful design for business and personal branding. (Salt of the earth dude, that Chaun).
Anyway – SOUND + VISION became a side hustle/collaborative between Chaun and myself after several months of bonding over design, video geekdom – and heavy rotations of David Bowie listening sessions. This reel reflect’s our collaborations, along with the types of projects and clients we’ve enjoyed working with the most: and functions as a compass for where we’d like to take SOUND + VISION in the future. Enjoy, and be inspired.
Sound & Visioneers: A Production Reel
Ink + Volt: Teaser
Record Fair at KEXP