Sub Pop Records
The Vinyl Geek Lands in Oz
Going Out of Business Since ’88
I’ve been a crate digging fool since before I could drive.
From the moment my uncle gifted me a stack of records at the age of fifteen, I was hooked. So began my favorite global hobby of collecting records. Having grown up in the Pacific Northwest, I’ve always been a fan (and a sucker) for grunge, and the subsequent trends that followed through my upbringing and into my audio-obsessed adulthood.
Many of the artists that I listen to belong to – or owe gratitude towards – my favorite record label: SUB POP RECORDS.
Sub Pop Records: A Retrospective Reel
Though my collaborative efforts & relationships with the record store community here in Seattle, as luck would have it, Charlie got his golden ticket and thus got to go to the Chocolate Factory…and for the past few years, I’ve had the privilege to work alongside some of the great tastemakers in the music industry and promote a label and bands that actually mean a lot to me.
J Mascis + Small Business Saturday:
Dreaming Big – Shopping Small
Green River Reissues:
Mark Arm Unboxes w/Easy Street
Here’s where these projects will live and grow as we move into the future.
I hope to always play a small role in the development of the label and it’s beloved artists, so that the next generation can experience the joy I had of discovering the music the way I did – on vinyl spinning in their headphones.
Thanks + Cheers, Sub Pop.